[샘플 PDF] Affinity Photo Shortcuts
2018.08.15 17:46
PDF #1 파일 : Affinity-Photo-Shortcuts-Cheat-Sheet.pdf (1.1M)
최종수정일 : 2018-08-15 17:46:35
PDF #1 파일 : Affinity-Designer-Shortcuts-Cheat-Sheet.pdf (777.8K)
열람포인트 : 100포인트|최종수정일 : 2018-08-15 17:46:35
- 관련링크 : https://eyoom.net/435회 연결
The standout choice for professionals
Faster, smoother and more powerful than ever, Affinity Photo continues to push the boundaries for professional photo editing software. With a huge toolset specifically engineered for creative and photography professionals, whether you are editing and retouching images, or creating full-blown multi-layered compositions, it has all the power and performance you will ever need.
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